
a town, embraced by the Kamnik- Savinja Alps.

Kamnik is considered one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Slovenia. Once a flourishing trading city, it was the seat of the Andechs-Bavarian counts. During those times, Kamnik was the capital of Carniola. The town hill boasted an impressive castle complex Mali grad (Little castle) in the 11th century. Today, only a two-story Romanesque chapel with a crypt remains, which is also one of the main symbols of the town. From the hill, there is a beautiful view of the town and the Kamnik-Savinja Alps.

Stari grad (Old Castle) is one of the oldest castles in the eastern Carniola region. The excellent location of Stari grad on the hill and its perfect visibility allowed control over the medieval trade route passing through the town. Today, Stari grad is a beautiful viewpoint, popular among hikers and families, as the ascent is not too difficult and takes only 30 minutes.

A small hill above the town boasts the Zaprice manor which was once the seat of an important noble family. Today it houses the Kamnik Regional Museum, which also has two additional dislocated units in the town: the Miha Maleš Gallery and the Birth House of Rudolf Maister.


If we head north from Kamnik, we arrive in the Kamniška Bistrica Valley, where we can enjoy the beauty of untouched nature and cool off during hot summer months. Kamniška Bistrica, which attracts many walkers, hikers, hunters, and fishermen, is also an excellent starting point for hikes to the peaks of the Kamnik-Savinja Alps.